El Scorponero f2

D3’s El Scorponero f2

Capsicum chinense

El Scorponero f2 pod
El Scorponero f2


This is a cross of Tony Sherwood’s Carbonero with a Yellow Butch T Scorpion. The creator of this cross is Micheal Davis. He is active on thehotpepper, and has a crossing project there. There are some different phenos of this pod, and not sure which one D3 will pick going forward. The ones on my plant have evolved some since this review. Now, most are more rounded with distinct tails coming from the center.


Pod weight: 18 grams
Amount eaten: 1/4 pod
Heat: 7
Flavor:  8 – Fruity and sweet, slightly bitter after taste
Burn Profile: All over mouth burn
Effects: Salivation
Cap Cramps:  None


I shared this with two of my co-workers. We each ate 1/4 pod. The pod is very crunchy and juicy. The immediate flavors were fruity sweet, with a slightly bitter after taste. The bitterness might have been from the seeds and placenta. The burn was pretty intense. I originally thought it might have been around 700K Scoville, but looking back it was probably closer to 500K-600K. The burn was very long lasting. I think it would be excellent in anything really. Looking forward to trying it in a jelly later.


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