Reaper x Brainstrain f2
Capsicum chinense
This is an f2 cross of Reaper and Brainstrain, created by Scott Tippett, of Tippett’s Super Hots.
This pod was grown and sent to me by Scott Tippett.
Amount eaten: Half pod
Heat: 9
Flavor: 6
Burn Profile: Hot coal on back of the throat and ears.
Effects: lots of hiccups
Cap Cramps: None.
When cut open I could see the entire inside was covered in placenta. The walls were medium thickness and coated with droplets of Capsicum oil. The flavors I picked up while chewing were some floral, and a tangy sourness. The heat came on immediately, first all around in my mouth. Then aggressively turned to my throat and ears. The burn was the searing hot coal type of burn.
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