How to smoke peppers for the dehydrator

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This is a process I use for adding smoke flavor and aroma to dried peppers. This works for both fresh and frozen peppers. I smoke them first, then add to the dehydrator.

Parts needed


  1. Perforate the bottom of a disposable baking pan with a knife. Wash and de-stem peppers, cut in half, then place in baking pan.
  2. Prepare the grill, setting the bottom and top vents to about a 3/16″ gap, lay a piece of aluminum foil (10 x 12 inch) on one end of the bottom grate. Poke a few holes in the aluminum foil with a knife.
  3. Start a small amount of charcoal, about 10 12 briquettes (easier if you are using another grill for cooking, you can make more).
  4. Place the hot coals on the aluminum foil, and dump a few handfuls of smoking wood on top.
  5. Place the top grate on the grill, and set the baking pan of peppers on top, on the opposite side of the wood chips.
  6. Cover and let smoke for at least 30 minutes.
  7. Remove peppers and place in dehydrator trays.
  8. Dry for 24 – 36 hours, or until peppers are ‘cracker dry’.


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